
Saturday 18 October 2014

Weathering the Storms

"In every high and stormy gale,
my anchor holds within the veil."
~ Edward Mote

This past week was a very stormy one for both of my families. While my birth family was dealing with not one, but two hurricanes that pounded the beautiful island of Bermuda, by Canadian family was struggling through health issues with my adoptive mom which included also not one, but two ER visits.  I am beat, weathered, frustrated, exhausted and weary. In the storms of life that attack us physically and emotionally, we often come out feeling battered and rendered helpless. We do what we can in preparation, or in wise advice, but really much of the outcome is out of our control, and often the results are not what we would have chosen for ourselves or for our loved ones. This week was a spiritual reminder though that when I am weak He is strong. When I don't feel like facing the challenges of a new day, He provides new mercies every morning. When I feel broken, He makes me whole. Despite what comes my way, whether physical or emotional, my soul still belongs to the One who protects and provides. There is no storm that can ever separate me from His love and care.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful reminder - Thanks Gwen! May God's grace be ever present in the challenging days ahead.
