
Wednesday 20 August 2014

Gone but not Forgotten

Today was a bittersweet day. While most of my Bermudian family was saying their earthly good-byes to our dear uncle, I had the sweet privilege of meeting a lifelong friend of my birth mom.

Over the years, "Aunt" Sandra's family opened up their home to many friends, including various members of my birth family. She still lives in that same location today. Although I could not be with the rest of the family today at the funeral, it was very fitting that I could be sitting in the very same house in Toronto with the very same friend whose family housed and cared for my island mom during her pregnancy with me. Soon after Pam and I connected back in May, I called Sandra to introduce myself. "We've been waiting for you honey!" were words that still ring loud and clear. We've talked a number of times over the phone since then but today was the first time I actually met her. What a pleasure and honour!

Ishmir, a cousin from Bermuda, also joined Aunt Sandra and I for the day, as she is in the Toronto area right now visiting other family. What a blessing for the three of us to meet, re-connect, reminisce, and learn more about each other and the family as we pored over old pictures and they shared family stories.

So to my dear family in Bermuda, your Canadian family sends their deepest condolences and please know that our thoughts and prayers have been with you as you grieve the loss of your dear brother, our Uncle Myron. Today's visit to Toronto was planned even before I knew of the funeral arrangements, so it was quite timely that in our own special way here in Toronto, we could honour him and spend our afternoon thinking of our loved ones in Bermuda.

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