
Monday 3 August 2015

Rights and Freedom, But at What Cost?

The most recent Saturday Star (August 1, 2015) ran an article about RU-486, the abortion pill, and while this blog is primarily about my search and subsequent reunion with my birth mom, I can't help but reflect on how differently things could have turned out for me.

You see, rather than look to abortion as a solution, my birth mother chose adoption for me.
Rather than death, she chose life.

The article speaks about the abortion pill being a "private tool of freedom" for women, and the writer, Heather Mallick, even addresses children in this article, impressing upon them that it's important to know every right that they have now has been hard-won. Really? How about the freedom for the unborn child? How about the rights of the unborn child? We live in a world that encourages rights and freedom, but when we choose to exercise these rights, we need to ask ourselves if we are enjoying our rights and freedoms at the expense of someone else's life and liberty. My birth mom put my needs and rights above her own, and it certainly wasn't an easy or convenient thing for her to do. Her self-sacrificial actions resulted in my life being spared, and today we can enjoy restoration and reunion with one another.

My point here is not to argue, judge or condemn, but rather to put a personal spin on what the pro-choice movement says about the value of my pre-born life, and essentially, of yours as well. The next time you support a view that claims unplanned pregnancies are disposable please think about the lives that have been graciously spared, or even think of me if you want to put a face to the anti-abortion cause, and thank God that not everyone is pro-choice, or exercises their "rights and freedom."

Forever grateful that my birth mom was pro-life.